Mission Movie Moment


Mission shines as the backdrop for many popular TV shows, feature films, and our beloved Hallmark Christmas movies (come on – we all quietly indulge during the festive season!). 

Join us on a self-guided tour of the many stores, parks, and attractions that are stars in their own right via the #MissionMovieMoment.  Featured locations display the Mission Movie Moment logo in their window, with the map and itineraries guiding you from the adventures of X-Men and Riverdale to the romantic delights of The Art of Racing in the Rain and Breaking Dawn.

The map is available at the Mission Visitor Centre (also a film location) and begins your "reel" journey through Hollywood North.
To the videoMission Movie Moment Holiday Event

What type of movie aficionado are you?

Choose your genre and click the link for your inspiration.

This Mission Movie Moment was made with special thanks to the following:

  • Destination BC for providing funding towards this production.
  • The wonderful array of locations that agreed to participate.
  • Cliff Prang for his hilarious scriptwriting talents, director prowess, and acting skills. Marika & Stacey Steward, Josiah Prang (the bear), and our very own Tourism Mission staff for their theatrical endeavours.
  • Hadron Films' talented production team, for bringing this vision to life.

Download the Locations Guide

Click below to download the Mission Movie Moment PDF.
download the guide